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Alone by myself


Updated: Mar 20, 2021

Today was not a bad day. I started my day with my normal prayer. As the day progressed, I started to look at myself. My success in my role and I started to analyze it. One could categorize accomplishing educational degrees and marriage at the age of as being successful. Yes, I am grateful for the things that God has provided and allowed me to accomplish, but I often think of what now? How do I live up the idea of being labeled successful? I do not have the answer. What I do know is that God is real and that he continues to show up for me when I am at my highest and lowest. I started to feel alone on my job, as I often do. God allows us to be placed in certain areas during certain seasons. I believe this season for me is the season of uncomfortability, assurance and strength. I am often told that I am the life of the party, but a secret that I have kept for a while is that I struggle with confidence. I am my worst critic and can tend to get in my own way. This is a transparent moment for me. For so long, I was comfortable at a job that I was constantly recognized and excelled in. To the point where I stayed for close to 10years. I did not see any more growth, so I left. My leap of faith and strength in trusting God has taught me more in 2years, than 10. Yes,10! The uncomfortable season for me is a challenge and it is not over. I sometimes feel alone on my new job, but can never forget who is with me. GOD. If I look back on today, as soon as I started to feel uncertain, lonely, or in doubt; I should have called on God first. Rather than vent to others. I Thank God for my husband. He pours into me when I am up and down. He is the greatest gift that God has provided me. Today when I felt alone, I was reminded by my husband that not only is he with me, but God is as well. Forever and ever. As I reflect on today, I know that everything that happened was for a reason. I am hoping that this post can help someone who is feeling alone. Please know that you are not! A scripture that helped me make it through today was Deuteronomy 31:6 “be strong and of a good courage, fear not nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. God is here forever and always!

-Peace, Love, Blessings

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2 commentaires

Mary Hampton
Mary Hampton
21 mars 2021

Wow! That was inspiring, so many times people see us on the outside and never know the inward struggles...but God! Stay encouraged.


19 mars 2021

Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. God is always with you!

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